Township Ordinances

2024 Ordinances          

2024-01 An Ordinance of the Township of Woolwich Amending the Code of the Township of Woolwich To Amend Chapter 192 of the Woolwich Township Code Entitled “Wedding and Civil Union Ceremonies”

2024-02 An Ordinance of the Township of Woolwich Amending the Code of the Township of Woolwich to Amend Chapter 59 of the Woolwich Township Code Entitled “Animals”

2024-03 An Ordinance to Exceed the Municipal Budget Appropriation Limits and to Establish a CAP Bank (N.J.S.A. 40A:4-45.14)

2024-04 An Ordinance of the Township of Woolwich, County of Gloucester, State of New Jersey Amending Section 203-137 of the Township Code

2024-05 An Ordinance of the Township of Woolwich, County of Gloucester, State of New Jersey Adopting an Amendment to the Kings Landing Redevelopment Plan and Revised Zoning Map

2024-06 An Ordinance of the Township of Woolwich Repealing Chapter 29 “Officers and Employees” Article VI “Department of Municipal Services” from the Woolwich Township Code

2024-07 An Ordinance of the Township Committee of the Township of Woolwich, County of Gloucester, State of New Jersey Establishing a New Chapter Entitled “Parapet Wall Placards”

2024-08 An Ordinance of the Township of Woolwich Amending Chapter 140 of the Woolwich Township Code to Add a New Section Regarding Food Trucks

2024-09 An Ordinance of the Township of Woolwich Amending the 2024 Salary Ordinance of the Township of Woolwich 

2024-10 An Ordinance of the Township of Woolwich Amending the 2024 Salary Ordinance of the Township of Woolwich

2024-11 An Ordinance of the Township of Woolwich Amending the Code of the Township of Woolwich to Amend Chapter 135 of the Woolwich Township Code Entitled “Parks and Recreation”

2024-12– An Ordinance Conditionally Permitting Certain Classes of Cannabis Businesses to Locate within Specified Geographical Boundaries of the Township of Woolwich in Gloucester County, New Jersey, Adding Article V District Regulations, Chapter §203-39(2)(E), Entitled Cannabis Businesses and Adding Article VII Supplemental Use Controls, Chapter §203-76.4 Cannabis Regulations

2024-13 An Ordinance Adding Cannabis Application and Licensing Process to Chapter 144, Entitled Resolution of Cannabis to Chapter 168, Taxation, Article IV

2024-14 An Ordinance of the Township of Woolwich Amending the Code of the Township of Woolwich to Amend Chapter 172-2A of the Woolwich Township Code Entitled “Duration of Permit”

2024-15 An Ordinance of the Township of Woolwich Authorizing the Implementation of a Community Cat Program (CCP) in the Township of Woolwich

2024-16 An Ordinance Appropriating the Sum of $25,000 From the Capital Improvement Fund for the Purchase of Police Equipment by the Township of Woolwich, County of Gloucester, State of New Jersey

2023 Ordinances

2023-01 An Ordinance of the Township of Woolwich Amending the 2022 Salary Ordinance of the Township of Woolwich

2023-02  An Ordinance of the Township of Woolwich Deleting and Replacing Chapter 8 of the Code of the Township of Woolwich Entitled “Claims Approval”

2023-03 Ordinance of the Township of Woolwich Amending the Zoning on Block 28, Lots 2, 3 and 4 from LIO to 5A Residential in Accordance With the 2022 Master Plan Re-Examination 

2023-04 Ordinance to Exceed the Municipal Budget Appropriation Limits and to Establish a CAP Bank (N.J.S.A. 40A:4-45.14)               

2023-05 Ordinance of the Township of Woolwich Amending Chapter 203, Section 137 Entitled “Corridor Commercial District” in Accordance with the 2022 Master Plan Re-Examination

2023-06 An Ordinance of the Township of Woolwich, County of Gloucester, State of New Jersey Adopting an Amendment to the Kings Landing Redevelopment Plan

Amended Kings Landing Redevelopment Plan-2023-06

2023-07 Ordinance of the Township of Woolwich Amending Chapter 203, Section 5 Entitled “Definitions and Word Usage” in Accordance with the 2022 Master Plan Re-Examination

2023-08 Ordinance of the Township of Woolwich Amending Chapter 203, Section 35, Entitled “Zoning Map” in Accordance with the 2022 Master Plan Reexamination-Map

2023-09 An Ordinance Approving the Application and Financial Agreement for a Long Term Tax Exemption with CP Woolwich Urban Renewal, LLC for Block 28, Lot 7 on the Official Tax Map of the Township of Woolwich   

2023-10 An Ordinance Making Salary Ranges for Certain Officials and Employees of the Township of Woolwich in the County of Gloucester for the Year 2023        

2023-11   An Ordinance by the Township Committee Amending the Woolwich Township Code of Ordinances to Repeal Chapter 103 Flood Damage Prevention; To Adopt a New Chapter 103; To Adopt Flood Hazard Maps; To Designate a Floodplain Administrator; Providing for Severability and an Effective Date.

2023-12 Ordinance of the Township of Woolwich Amending Chapter 203, Section 39, Entitled “5A Acre Residential District” in Accordance with the 2022 Master Plan Re-Examination

2023-13 Ordinance of the Township of Woolwich Amending Chapter 95 Entitled “Fees” in Accordance with the 2022 Master Plan Reexamination                                      

2023-14 Ordinance of the Township of Woolwich Repealing the Transfer of Development Rights Ordinances and Amending Chapter 203 Entitled “Zoning” in Accordance with the 2022 Master Plan Reexamination                                                                                                       

2023-15 Ordinance of the Township of Woolwich Amending Chapter 203, Section 35 Entitled “Zoning Map” in Accordance with the 2022 Master Plan Reexamination and as Permitted Under 40:55D-32                                                                                                                        

2023-16 An Ordinance of the Township of Woolwich, County of Gloucester, State of New Jersey Adopting an Amendment to the Kings Landing Redevelopment Plan Kings Landing Amended Plan                     

2023-17 An Ordinance of the Township of Woolwich, County of Gloucester, State of New Jersey Approving the Application and Financial Agreement for a Long Term Tax Exemption with Paulsboro Road AP Urban Renewal LLC for Block 14, Lot 2 on the Official Tax Map

2023-18 An Ordinance of the Township of Woolwich Amending the Woolwich Township Code to Create Various Stop Control Areas on Longleaf Lane

2023-19 An Ordinance of the Township of Woolwich Accepting the Deed of Right-Of-Way Dedication for a Portion of Village Green Drive and Balsam Road

2023-20 An Ordinance of the Township of Woolwich Repealing and Replacing Chapter 29, Article V of the Code of the Township of Woolwich Entitled “Municipal Administrator” and Repealing Article VIII Entitled “Director of Community Development” in its Entirety-As Amended 7-17-23.

2023-21 Ordinance of the Township of Woolwich Amending Ordinance 2023-12 Relating to the 5A Five Acre Residential District

2023-22  An Ordinance of the Township of Woolwich Amending Chapter 143 of the Code of the Township of Woolwich Entitled “Property Maintenance” Specifically Section 4.1 “Maintenance of Residential and Non-Residential Property” to Address the Maintenance of Residential Street Trees and Sidewalks                                                                 

2023-23 An Ordinance of the Township of Woolwich Article V Promotional Policy Amending Chapter 36 of the Code of the Township of Woolwich Entitled Police to Include Promotional Process

2023-24 An Ordinance of the Township of Woolwich Amending Chapter 203-62 of the Code of the Township of Woolwich Entitled “Livestock, Animals and Fowl” to Delete the Reference to Bees

2023-25 An Ordinance of the Township of Woolwich Amending Chapter 109 of the Code of the Township of Woolwich Entitled “Grading Plans”, Specifically Section 109-7 Entitled “Permit and Review Fees”  

2023-26 An Ordinance of the Township of Woolwich Creating the Position of Deputy Administrator

2023-27 An Ordinance of the Township of Woolwich Amending the 2023 Salary Ordinance of the Township of Woolwich

2023-28 An Ordinance of the Township of Woolwich Adopting Revisions to the Personnel Policy and Procedures Manual for the Township of Woolwich                                

2023-29 An Ordinance of the Township of Woolwich Amending Article III of Chapter 148, Connection to Municipal Sewer Utility System

2023-30  An Ordinance of the Township of Woolwich Establishing Chapter 172, Temporary Use Permit

2023-31 An Ordinance Providing for Local Enforcement of the New Jersey Uniform Fire Code

2023-32 An Ordinance of the Township of Woolwich, Amending Chapter 14 of the Code of the Township of Woolwich Entitled Defense and Indemnification                             

2023-33 An Ordinance of the Township of Woolwich Establishing Chapter 3 of the Code for a local Board of Health                                                                                                                

2023-34 An Ordinance of the Township of Woolwich Amending Chapter 59 of the Code of the Township of Woolwich Entitled “Animals”                                                   

2023-35 An Ordinance of the Township of Woolwich, County of Gloucester, State of New Jersey Adopting Requirements for the Storage of Salt and Other Solid De-Icing Materials                                                                                                                                           

2023-36 An Ordinance of the Township of Woolwich, County of Gloucester, State of New Jersey Revising the Woolwich Township Code to Delete Chapter 157 of the Code of the Township of Woolwich and Replacing with the Following           

2023-37 An Ordinance of the Township of Woolwich Amending Chapter 143, Property Maintenance

2023-38 An Ordinance Making Salary Ranges for Certain Officials and Employees of the Township of Woolwich in the County of Gloucester for the Year 2024